Secure Your Ads, Supercharge Your Results With ClickFraudFree!

Allow ClickFraudFree to handle the safeguarding of your ad campaigns, freeing you from the burden of constantly monitoring and defending against click fraud. 

Explore the competitive rates we offer for a powerful protection services.

We Monitor Your Google Ads Campaign

Proactive click fraud prevention and continuously monitor your Ads Campaign performance. Spot any potential foul play before it causes serious damage.

  • vpn
    Enhance campaign vigilance to mitigate potential threats.
  • firewall
    Fortify campaign’s defenses for robust threat protection.

We Analyze Fraud Clicks in your Ads Traffic

Click fraud scammers vary in nature and method of execution. Our system take necessary measures to recognize click fraud and protect your business.

  • l settings
    Detect Deception
    Identify abnormal or deceptive activity in your ad traffic.
  • credit locked
    Expose Trickery
    We keep you informed of ad campaign fraud.

We Block Clicks from Fraudulent Visitors

Tracking invalid and fraud clicks, Click Fraud Free automatically add this visotrs IP into Google Ads IP exclusion list to stop causing more damage to your Ads Campaign.

  • Vigilance
    We’re your steadfast protector, ensuring your campaigns thrive.
  • Resilience
    With us, your campaigns remain robust and thriving.

We Quarantine IPV4 and IPV6 Fraud Addresses

Temporary blocking the IP of the visitor if its detected to be fraudelent. Automatic identification of IP suspected to prevent your ads from being displaying to this users.

  • IP Quarantine
    We protect campaigns by isolating dubious IP addresses.
  • Auto-Blocking
    We protect ads from fraudulent IP addresses.

We Save You Money and Invest More

Click Fraud Free is the solution that will end click fraud across all your Google Ads and paid search campaigns. Save money from fraudelent clicks. Click Fraud Free will help you to decide to invest more to your Google Ads Campaigns.

  • Cost Savings
    We safeguard your ad budget from fraudulent clicks.
  • Scaling Investment
    We empower growth with confidence.